Monday, October 10, 2011

Movin on Up to the East side!

So much can change in so little of time. Last week, a friend wanted me to look at the upstairs apartment in their 100 year old house that they wanted me to rent. I took a look at it on Friday afternoon, and was instantly refreshed with the amount of sunlight streaming into the rooms. My basement apartment has very small windows that look out into bushes that block all the sunlight. I walked through it again on Saturday, and was enthralled with the amount of closet space. My current closet is as big as a breadbox.

I have agreed to rent the space, and will move in the first part of November.

The place also doubles as an instant boost to my social life, as my new landlord is the hub for my large circle of friends and we congregate on the porch frequently. I have no fear of being overwhelmed with visitors, as the bedroom is in the back of the house, and with the separate entrance, nobody would come up unless invited.

I’m stoked. This might just be the positive change I need. And it’s in the same neighborhood as I am in now!

I’ve sent an email to my current landlord and will be putting in notice on my current apartment any day now.

Whew! Changes!

 And if that wasn’t enough, I joined the #OccupyTogether  march on Sunday afternoon. It was great to see all walks of life there. Lots of families with young children. There were also many older people lending their voice to the cause. It was very peaceful, and while the local police were lining the path with bicycles and motorcycles ready to quell any disturbance, they also had the slightest smile and head nods towards the marchers that caught their eye. I do believe the police count themselves as part of the 99%. The police are one budget cut away from the unemployment line just like the rest of us.

I started the march with a cup of coffee with the 28 year old hottie. After we marched we had some dinner. I had a great time with her. I tried to gently encourage some more outings together. We shall see what happens.

I need to start packing!

And here is where I would post The Jefferson's Theme Song, but apparently those pesky uptight copyright laws prohibit YouTube posters from having the unauthorized audio. 

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